For those of you who have felt alone even when seated in large congregations - here is the book for you. When your heart and passion for God leave you yearning for a like spirit and a moment in time to allow the exuberant awe and joy of relevant revelation to be shared with someone who "get's it"; when routine is no longer a viable alternative to life because The Living God of the Universe has become so much much more in the depths of your soul; when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Creator of Heaven bows down to passionately embrace and kiss you; when you begin to realize that church is not a place to attend on ritual days but rather an explosion of loving and nurturing relationships - This book may challenge you to live outside brick and mortar and perhaps face a momentary discomfort in awakening a vibrant, fiery, awe-inspiring, soul-drenching, bursting life with the ever-intimate powerful God of the Scriptures!
"So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore" An allegorical study of knowing God and making Him known through personal relationship with Jesus Christ and operating within the body of Christ globally.