Discernment is a key element in the prognosis of success for an executive or potential executive. The ability to position one's team or support staff well is critical to the eventual and perpetual profitability of any organization as the ability to know one's motivations and true core passions despite years of behavioral programming or concepts filtered through life experience or corporate roles mastered.
Executive Discovery Seminars teach participants how to walk others through a private two hour session of innovative self awareness and discovery. ETOC™, Executive Table of Contents™, gives one the ability to help leaders explore often hidden desires and sincerely held beliefs which shape or should shape the foundation of their work performance and productive motivations, changes therein or lack thereof.
This counseling session is meant to be used by CEOs and/or management to provide one with the ability to progressively identify their core beliefs and values as well as complementary motivations which serve to shape performance levels. Once through the session, participants and leaders can better identify those roles for which the participant is destined toward greater success and proficiency. If matched well, productivity and ensuing profitability are increased as a result of greater enthusiasm, initiative, incentive and personnel retention at the organization providing this service. Your people will know and use their core motivations effectively.
Note this Christian based counseling session operates on biblical principles and is dependent entirely on the Holy Spirit for specific guidance in identifying the heart-felt passions of the participant. Those who seek to find direction for their lives in Christian ministry are stongly encouraged to participate in a private session as the end result will be the provision of both an identification item and tagline which will serve to plumbline all future decisions for agreement with one's specific design and destiny.
ETOC™ is considered a healing tool which serves to identify areas of conflict in life activity or relationships based on disclosed core beliefs and values.
ETOC™ further provides clear direction for present or future endeavors thus curtailing or eliminating doubt and frustration in ensuing decision making processes.
Particpants will receive an ETOC™ booklet, testimonial and referral forms, an application of eligibility for certification as an ETOC™ counselor and a qualifications disclosure summary.
For session availability, please consult International Renaissance House and Contagious Freedom
615-573-5783. Thank you.