Three Steps to Greater Life Experience

Life Abundant: Jesus promised us eternal life through salvation by His sacrificial blood surrendered at Calvary (John 3:16). In that same instant He also granted passage from death to life (John 5:24). I believe this life that replaces death is the "abundant" life He specifically later addresses (John 10:10), a life that is victorious, virtuous and fulfilling; a life of clarity lived in truth and light, progressively removing the darkness and shadows that have left us previously unsure or insecure. If we find this fulfilling life elusive, let us consider what repeatedly relegates us to the back of the line, time after time, and take personal initiative to do whatever it takes to find our healing; to find our place in God's kingdom; to experience peace and purpose and joy; true destiny.

Even as believers, we know life can be fraught with hurt and pain, consequences of patterns of behavior and even innocent situations that often lead one to challenges of faith. It is these very challenges that produce milestones of movement toward greater intimacy with the Creator of the Universe. With each victory comes a greater deposit in our "faith bank" and a greater understanding of the workings of God's kingdom and our place in it. Let me share my personal story as you consider your time to step into the joy!

I have had many prophetic words spoken to me all over the United States from a variety of sources and they all agreed in the specifics of their messages. That can be pretty exciting. But the daily life I experienced was far from what was described. I discovered that I not only had incorrect expectations of God to perform what had been promised through prophecy or revelation or bible study in the manner in which I understood or interpreted how and when it should manifest but I also contributed to the absence of its realization by living with fear, denial, unforgiveness and shame. God made clear that until I dealt with my inner hurt and issues, I would not be able to see what was promised on the other side of the river, not because He was withholding but because I lacked capacity in my then condition. How could a wounded man experience the love of the Father in His embrace without understanding how to trust it? It was then I made a commitment to do whatever it took to find healing.

It was Albert Einstein who defined "insanity" as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I was personally unhappy, unfulfilled and frustrated with my life experience for as long as I can remember though successful in the public eye. I realized if I did not do something different, I would live my life as I had lived it to my death. I was not willing to go on with my personal pain so I took a risk. I faced my fear of personal exposure and went for counseling with folks who had a proven track record of rapid and effective success - lives were being changed and folks were encountering a realized victorious Christian life. It does exist!

Step one: Know that the abundant life in Jesus is real.

Liberty Accessible: The first wall to break down is the wall of fear. What if someone finds out the worst of me? What if dredging up the past is too painful for me? What if I express "un-Christian" behavior in the retelling like anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred or unforgiveness? Would folks think less of me for not being in "control" of my emotions or understanding? All those questions are valid and important to reasonably maneuver your life experience toward perceived intellectual safety. They have served you well to this point but have kept you from experiencing the wholeness for which you were created. The counseling environment should first provide freedom and safety to be yourself and explore those things of concern at the deepest levels with folks who express no judgment, keep no records or notes, and are as committed to your freedom as God is. Where there is love there is no fear (I John 4:18).

Step two: Find a counseling ministry with the resources and reputation for loving and challenging folks to pursue wholeness and promote greater intimacy with God.

Healing Available: Happiness is an ideal that can only be achieved in the aftermath of healing. We all suffer great issues and until we have healing, we cannot be free from the torments and terrors in the night that cause happiness and joy to elude our daily life and lifestyles. We must calmly explore the lies we have believed at our core in an unthreatening manner, patiently addressing the truth that exposes their asphyxiating grip on our breath of life, and eliminating their effect by inviting the power of God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus to introduce light to the darkness and send it to oblivion never to return to our souls. Only then can we ever taste and see the greater extent of the goodness of our God (Psalm 34:8)!

Step three: Pursue healing relentlessly. Make your move!

Thank you for letting me share a bit of my story with you. I trust it might help to encourage you in your travels to find greater release of God's grace, kindness and goodness in your life. The resources available on this site will help bring much needed understanding and relief to the heavy burdens upon your soul and introduce light and truth to dispel the darkness and torments of you who struggle with finding God's abundant life!

Peace and blessing to you and yours now and always. Alex Delgado.