Life Abundant: Jesus promised us eternal life through salvation by His sacrificial blood surrendered at Calvary (John 3:16). In that same instant He also granted passage from death to life (John 5:24). I believe this life that replaces death is the "abundant" life He specifically later addresses (John 10:10), a life that is victorious, virtuous and fulfilling; a life of clarity lived in truth and light, progressively removing the darkness and shadows that have left us previously unsure or insecure. If we find this fulfilling life elusive, let us consider what repeatedly relegates us to the back of the line, time after time, and take personal initiative to do whatever it takes to find our healing; to find our place in God's kingdom; to experience peace and purpose and joy; true destiny.
Even as believers, we know life can be fraught with hurt and pain, consequences of patterns of behavior and even innocent situations that often lead one to challenges of faith. It is these very challenges that produce milestones of movement toward greater intimacy with the Creator of the Universe. With each victory comes a greater deposit in our "faith bank" and a greater understanding of the workings of God's kingdom and our place in it. Let me share my personal story as you consider your time to step into the joy!
I have had many prophetic words spoken to me all over the United States from a variety of sources and they all agreed in the specifics of their messages. That can be pretty exciting. But the daily life I experienced was far from what was described. I discovered that I not only had incorrect expectations of God to perform what had been promised through prophecy or revelation or bible study in the manner in which I understood or interpreted how and when it should manifest but I also contributed to the absence of its realization by living with fear, denial, unforgiveness and shame. God made clear that until I dealt with my inner hurt and issues, I would not be able to see what was promised on the other side of the river, not because He was withholding but because I lacked capacity in my then condition. How could a wounded man experience the love of the Father in His embrace without understanding how to trust it? It was then I made a commitment to do whatever it took to find healing.
It was Albert Einstein who defined "insanity" as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I was personally unhappy, unfulfilled and frustrated with my life experience for as long as I can remember though successful in the public eye. I realized if I did not do something different, I would live my life as I had lived it to my death. I was not willing to go on with my personal pain so I took a risk. I faced my fear of personal exposure and went for counseling with folks who had a proven track record of rapid and effective success - lives were being changed and folks were encountering a realized victorious Christian life. It does exist!
Step one: Know that the abundant life in Jesus is real.
Liberty Accessible: The first wall to break down is the wall of fear. What if someone finds out the worst of me? What if dredging up the past is too painful for me? What if I express "un-Christian" behavior in the retelling like anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred or unforgiveness? Would folks think less of me for not being in "control" of my emotions or understanding? All those questions are valid and important to reasonably maneuver your life experience toward perceived intellectual safety. They have served you well to this point but have kept you from experiencing the wholeness for which you were created. The counseling environment should first provide freedom and safety to be yourself and explore those things of concern at the deepest levels with folks who express no judgment, keep no records or notes, and are as committed to your freedom as God is. Where there is love there is no fear (I John 4:18).
Step two: Find a counseling ministry with the resources and reputation for loving and challenging folks to pursue wholeness and promote greater intimacy with God.
Healing Available: Happiness is an ideal that can only be achieved in the aftermath of healing. We all suffer great issues and until we have healing, we cannot be free from the torments and terrors in the night that cause happiness and joy to elude our daily life and lifestyles. We must calmly explore the lies we have believed at our core in an unthreatening manner, patiently addressing the truth that exposes their asphyxiating grip on our breath of life, and eliminating their effect by inviting the power of God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus to introduce light to the darkness and send it to oblivion never to return to our souls. Only then can we ever taste and see the greater extent of the goodness of our God (Psalm 34:8)!
Step three: Pursue healing relentlessly. Make your move!
Thank you for letting me share a bit of my story with you. I trust it might help to encourage you in your travels to find greater release of God's grace, kindness and goodness in your life. The resources available on this site will help bring much needed understanding and relief to the heavy burdens upon your soul and introduce light and truth to dispel the darkness and torments of you who struggle with finding God's abundant life!
Peace and blessing to you and yours now and always. Alex Delgado.
ETOC™, Executive Table of Contents™
Discernment is a key element in the prognosis of success for an executive or potential executive. The ability to position one's team or support staff well is critical to the eventual and perpetual profitability of any organization as the ability to know one's motivations and true core passions despite years of behavioral programming or concepts filtered through life experience or corporate roles mastered.
Executive Discovery Seminars teach participants how to walk others through a private two hour session of innovative self awareness and discovery. ETOC™, Executive Table of Contents™, gives one the ability to help leaders explore often hidden desires and sincerely held beliefs which shape or should shape the foundation of their work performance and productive motivations, changes therein or lack thereof.
This counseling session is meant to be used by CEOs and/or management to provide one with the ability to progressively identify their core beliefs and values as well as complementary motivations which serve to shape performance levels. Once through the session, participants and leaders can better identify those roles for which the participant is destined toward greater success and proficiency. If matched well, productivity and ensuing profitability are increased as a result of greater enthusiasm, initiative, incentive and personnel retention at the organization providing this service. Your people will know and use their core motivations effectively.
Note this Christian based counseling session operates on biblical principles and is dependent entirely on the Holy Spirit for specific guidance in identifying the heart-felt passions of the participant. Those who seek to find direction for their lives in Christian ministry are stongly encouraged to participate in a private session as the end result will be the provision of both an identification item and tagline which will serve to plumbline all future decisions for agreement with one's specific design and destiny.
ETOC™ is considered a healing tool which serves to identify areas of conflict in life activity or relationships based on disclosed core beliefs and values.
ETOC™ further provides clear direction for present or future endeavors thus curtailing or eliminating doubt and frustration in ensuing decision making processes.
Particpants will receive an ETOC™ booklet, testimonial and referral forms, an application of eligibility for certification as an ETOC™ counselor and a qualifications disclosure summary.
For session availability, please consult International Renaissance House and Contagious Freedom
615-573-5783. Thank you.
Executive Discovery Seminars teach participants how to walk others through a private two hour session of innovative self awareness and discovery. ETOC™, Executive Table of Contents™, gives one the ability to help leaders explore often hidden desires and sincerely held beliefs which shape or should shape the foundation of their work performance and productive motivations, changes therein or lack thereof.
This counseling session is meant to be used by CEOs and/or management to provide one with the ability to progressively identify their core beliefs and values as well as complementary motivations which serve to shape performance levels. Once through the session, participants and leaders can better identify those roles for which the participant is destined toward greater success and proficiency. If matched well, productivity and ensuing profitability are increased as a result of greater enthusiasm, initiative, incentive and personnel retention at the organization providing this service. Your people will know and use their core motivations effectively.
Note this Christian based counseling session operates on biblical principles and is dependent entirely on the Holy Spirit for specific guidance in identifying the heart-felt passions of the participant. Those who seek to find direction for their lives in Christian ministry are stongly encouraged to participate in a private session as the end result will be the provision of both an identification item and tagline which will serve to plumbline all future decisions for agreement with one's specific design and destiny.
ETOC™ is considered a healing tool which serves to identify areas of conflict in life activity or relationships based on disclosed core beliefs and values.
ETOC™ further provides clear direction for present or future endeavors thus curtailing or eliminating doubt and frustration in ensuing decision making processes.
Particpants will receive an ETOC™ booklet, testimonial and referral forms, an application of eligibility for certification as an ETOC™ counselor and a qualifications disclosure summary.
For session availability, please consult International Renaissance House and Contagious Freedom
615-573-5783. Thank you.
THE LOVESEAT LESSONS - Peggy and Jenny Yawn
The mysteries of freedom and deliverance are here revealed in easy to understand format. With over twenty-five years in counseling, Peggy Yawn details the elements of debilitating coping systems that promote harmful emotions, beliefs and behaviors. These often hidden systems negatively affect our lives by hindering or removing altogether our ability to experience healthy, well-balanced
relationships and a productive, rewarding and enjoyable lifestyle. Her sensible writings include illustrative stories to help guide the reader through simple, easy to apply truths. This is the resource we have all been waiting for. Get ready for the adventure of freedom!
Discover the Systems that cripple the soul and hinder a healthy life:
Loveseat Lessons I - The Abuse and Rescue System
"The victim rarely if ever realizes their part in the problem. Once healthy boundaries are explored, toxic relationships can be understood and turned around."
Peggy uncovers actions which can be considered helpful in relationships but actually serve to nurture toxic systems of behavior which work against and with each other to create feelings of entrapment and resentment. She then reveals God's simple plan to introduce or restore healthy patterns of socialization. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons II - The Power of Agreements System
"Either the angels go out on our words to bring provision in;
or the demons go out on our words and bring destruction and death"
Peggy discloses one of the most creative forces on planet earth. How it can create obstacles to God's blessings and manifested grace in our lives as well as the manner by which God uses it to create solutions and a funnel of favor. Our speech provides the wave upon which our faith rides. Explore the power of our agreements. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons III - The Rightful Expectations System
"The circumstances of our lives often serve to reveal and bring our hidden expectations to the surface."
Peggy reveals how and why we anticipate God to respond to our needs in predetermined ways often leaving us disappointed or unstable in our faith because of rationalization and/or spritual deception. We explore how to determine realistic expectations for ourselves and others with the Holy Spirit's help. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons IV - The Lie-Based Thinking System
"Pain and lies from the past will create a grid of thinking through which every area of our lives is filtered"
Peggy exposes four primary lies people believe that affect core beliefs and create concepts establishing deeply held emotions promoting consistently unhealthy behaviors which are unfavorable for life and relationships. Peggy then shares God's response to each of these lies which empowers us to attain release from their effect on our future and ability to receive God's power for living. - $5.95
The mysteries of freedom and deliverance are here revealed in easy to understand format. With over twenty-five years in counseling, Peggy Yawn details the elements of debilitating coping systems that promote harmful emotions, beliefs and behaviors. These often hidden systems negatively affect our lives by hindering or removing altogether our ability to experience healthy, well-balanced
relationships and a productive, rewarding and enjoyable lifestyle. Her sensible writings include illustrative stories to help guide the reader through simple, easy to apply truths. This is the resource we have all been waiting for. Get ready for the adventure of freedom!
Discover the Systems that cripple the soul and hinder a healthy life:
Loveseat Lessons I - The Abuse and Rescue System
"The victim rarely if ever realizes their part in the problem. Once healthy boundaries are explored, toxic relationships can be understood and turned around."
Peggy uncovers actions which can be considered helpful in relationships but actually serve to nurture toxic systems of behavior which work against and with each other to create feelings of entrapment and resentment. She then reveals God's simple plan to introduce or restore healthy patterns of socialization. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons II - The Power of Agreements System
"Either the angels go out on our words to bring provision in;
or the demons go out on our words and bring destruction and death"
Peggy discloses one of the most creative forces on planet earth. How it can create obstacles to God's blessings and manifested grace in our lives as well as the manner by which God uses it to create solutions and a funnel of favor. Our speech provides the wave upon which our faith rides. Explore the power of our agreements. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons III - The Rightful Expectations System
"The circumstances of our lives often serve to reveal and bring our hidden expectations to the surface."
Peggy reveals how and why we anticipate God to respond to our needs in predetermined ways often leaving us disappointed or unstable in our faith because of rationalization and/or spritual deception. We explore how to determine realistic expectations for ourselves and others with the Holy Spirit's help. - $5.95
Loveseat Lessons IV - The Lie-Based Thinking System
"Pain and lies from the past will create a grid of thinking through which every area of our lives is filtered"
Peggy exposes four primary lies people believe that affect core beliefs and create concepts establishing deeply held emotions promoting consistently unhealthy behaviors which are unfavorable for life and relationships. Peggy then shares God's response to each of these lies which empowers us to attain release from their effect on our future and ability to receive God's power for living. - $5.95
Bruce and Jean Hammond
Destiny Manifest is a Prayer/Counseling Ministry with the unique ability of bringing understanding, clarity, and insight through a combination of practical knowledge and the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:6 and 1 Corinthians 12:8). Destiny Manifest brings freedom to people who often have felt like there is nowhere else to turn for answers.
As a believer in Christ, everyone should experience the joy of knowing truth in their innermost being (Psalm 51:6). The inner life of the individual often takes a back seat as people struggle to make their way through life and in effect ignore the deep places of hurt or lack of emotional foundation in their souls. These hurts, or places of lack, eventually end up affecting their relationships, work life, and destiny.
"Unlocking Destiny With Insights Toward Wholeness"
As a believer in Christ, everyone should experience the joy of knowing truth in their innermost being (Psalm 51:6). The inner life of the individual often takes a back seat as people struggle to make their way through life and in effect ignore the deep places of hurt or lack of emotional foundation in their souls. These hurts, or places of lack, eventually end up affecting their relationships, work life, and destiny.
"Unlocking Destiny With Insights Toward Wholeness"
John Sheasby
John Sheasby, founder of Liberated Living Ministries™, has been called by God to usher liberty to the body of Christ through personal restoration and liberation from the ‘grave-clothes’ of unforgiveness, past hurts, tradition and ignorance. These issues keep the Body of Christ from living in and expressing the resurrection life of Jesus deposited within every believer at the point of salvation. John carries a powerful message of the grace and goodness of God guaranteed to His people in the New Covenant, sealed in the blood of Jesus, and which has the power to provide freedom from the shackles of legalism, performance, sin, sickness and poverty.
Beverley Sheasby has a wonderful walk of intimacy with the Father out of which flows a dynamic ministry of teaching for the body of Christ. Beverly encourages the hearing of the Shepherd’s voice; walking in grace and rest; and appropriating all the riches of a love-relationship granted to the bride of Christ. She has a genuine prophetic gifting and has committed her life to helping others open the door to the Spirit of God in receiving welcome to the Holy of Holies for intimate communion with the Beloved.
Together, this powerful husband and wife team preach and demonstrate the power of God and His word through signs and wonders, believing implicitly that the words of Jesus are steadfast, “The truth SHALL make you FREE!”
Beverley Sheasby has a wonderful walk of intimacy with the Father out of which flows a dynamic ministry of teaching for the body of Christ. Beverly encourages the hearing of the Shepherd’s voice; walking in grace and rest; and appropriating all the riches of a love-relationship granted to the bride of Christ. She has a genuine prophetic gifting and has committed her life to helping others open the door to the Spirit of God in receiving welcome to the Holy of Holies for intimate communion with the Beloved.
Together, this powerful husband and wife team preach and demonstrate the power of God and His word through signs and wonders, believing implicitly that the words of Jesus are steadfast, “The truth SHALL make you FREE!”
Andy Reese
Andy Reese serves as a church leader, minister and proliferator of Christian inner healing, counseling and deliverance. He is president and founder of The Freedom Resources™, a ministry dedicated to providing training, networking and information using the “Sozo” ministry model. While he continues to lead and participate on teams that have taught this method in various settings both nationally and internationally, he also sustains a successful career in engineering and management consulting.
He is noted as a speaker and author and recognized by his friends and associates for his gifts of mercy and compassion expressed through a Father's heart combined with a keen sense for detailed research and boundless generosity in serving the nations.
“Freedom Tools For Overcoming Life’s Tough Problems” is a training manual providing individual instruction for those desiring to arm themselves with powerful yet simple tools which can effectively set free the emotionally and spiritually captive. Andy fills his book with stories and illustrations which serve to demonstrate the ease of application; the simplicity of entering into healing moments with friends and loved ones casually and comfortably.
“Freedom Tools” is the most up to date information on Sozo. It works well and proves most useful as a discussion book in small group study on freedom, healing and deliverance - a skill set so beneficial for today’s ministering believers.
He is noted as a speaker and author and recognized by his friends and associates for his gifts of mercy and compassion expressed through a Father's heart combined with a keen sense for detailed research and boundless generosity in serving the nations.
“Freedom Tools For Overcoming Life’s Tough Problems” is a training manual providing individual instruction for those desiring to arm themselves with powerful yet simple tools which can effectively set free the emotionally and spiritually captive. Andy fills his book with stories and illustrations which serve to demonstrate the ease of application; the simplicity of entering into healing moments with friends and loved ones casually and comfortably.
“Freedom Tools” is the most up to date information on Sozo. It works well and proves most useful as a discussion book in small group study on freedom, healing and deliverance - a skill set so beneficial for today’s ministering believers.
Jill Austin
Jill Austin founded Master Potter Ministries™ over twenty-five years ago while working as an award-winning professional potter. The Lord has given Jill a catalytic and prophetic anointing to break open the heavens and release the fire of the Holy Spirit. Her childlike faith coupled with tenacity and resolute commitment to stand for the purposes of God makes Jill a much sought after conference speaker.
The hallmark of the powerful anointing she carries is the impartation of fresh hunger and increased passion for God. Her vision is to train and equip people to move in the power of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of signs and wonders not only in the church but also in the secular marketplace.
It is with mixed emotions I share our beloved Jill went home to be with Jesus at 9:48 pm CST, January 09, 2009. Jill blessed me (Alex Delgado, Contagious Freedom) personally upon our first meeting in June of 2003 when she called me out of the congregation in the middle of her message and spoke prophetically over my life. I experienced the powerful fire of God as never before and opened my heart and mind to His manifest glory. A dear brother, James Goll, had the following to say which expresses so well the heart and sentiment of those fortuntate enough to know Jill:
"Jill Austin, the flame throwing prophetess of God who taught us all to hunger for more of the Holy Spirit, will be greatly missed in 'our' household and around the world. There was only one Austin comet!"
The hallmark of the powerful anointing she carries is the impartation of fresh hunger and increased passion for God. Her vision is to train and equip people to move in the power of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of signs and wonders not only in the church but also in the secular marketplace.
It is with mixed emotions I share our beloved Jill went home to be with Jesus at 9:48 pm CST, January 09, 2009. Jill blessed me (Alex Delgado, Contagious Freedom) personally upon our first meeting in June of 2003 when she called me out of the congregation in the middle of her message and spoke prophetically over my life. I experienced the powerful fire of God as never before and opened my heart and mind to His manifest glory. A dear brother, James Goll, had the following to say which expresses so well the heart and sentiment of those fortuntate enough to know Jill:
"Jill Austin, the flame throwing prophetess of God who taught us all to hunger for more of the Holy Spirit, will be greatly missed in 'our' household and around the world. There was only one Austin comet!"
William P. Young
A must read for anyone desiring greater intimacy with God. It challenges our preconceived and programmed concepts of who God is and how He chooses to operate in our world, both privately and personally as well as publicly and generally.
"The Shack" is a true delight of modern-day revelation in contemporary format. Most importantly and moving is the whimsical yet poignant expository disclosure of how God feels about us and His great inconsumable passion to become in our minds and manifest in our daily lives what He truly is - a perfect trustworthy Friend and faithful Father.
"The Shack" WEBSITE
"The Shack" is a true delight of modern-day revelation in contemporary format. Most importantly and moving is the whimsical yet poignant expository disclosure of how God feels about us and His great inconsumable passion to become in our minds and manifest in our daily lives what He truly is - a perfect trustworthy Friend and faithful Father.
"The Shack" WEBSITE
Jake Colsen
For those of you who have felt alone even when seated in large congregations - here is the book for you. When your heart and passion for God leave you yearning for a like spirit and a moment in time to allow the exuberant awe and joy of relevant revelation to be shared with someone who "get's it"; when routine is no longer a viable alternative to life because The Living God of the Universe has become so much much more in the depths of your soul; when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Creator of Heaven bows down to passionately embrace and kiss you; when you begin to realize that church is not a place to attend on ritual days but rather an explosion of loving and nurturing relationships - This book may challenge you to live outside brick and mortar and perhaps face a momentary discomfort in awakening a vibrant, fiery, awe-inspiring, soul-drenching, bursting life with the ever-intimate powerful God of the Scriptures!
"So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore" An allegorical study of knowing God and making Him known through personal relationship with Jesus Christ and operating within the body of Christ globally.
"So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore" An allegorical study of knowing God and making Him known through personal relationship with Jesus Christ and operating within the body of Christ globally.
Alex Delgado
“Captured Slave or Conquering Saint” details the option we as believers have in determining our life experience. Satan has a definitive strategy of destruction upon the people of God which he executes in a specific and orchestrated chronological order. As we understand the various arenas of attack, the targeted aspect of our humanity in each arena and the progression of events to be watchful of, we can eliminate being captured by the subtlety of his minions and their games.
Alex then explores the resources God provides in our progressive relationship with Him toward greater efficiency in managing our emotions, diminishing our victimization and ultimately finding our place within the vibrant and powerful kingdom of His people. Welcome to a new life, a new family, a new home!
Alex then explores the resources God provides in our progressive relationship with Him toward greater efficiency in managing our emotions, diminishing our victimization and ultimately finding our place within the vibrant and powerful kingdom of His people. Welcome to a new life, a new family, a new home!
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